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Cardinal Griffin

Biology Y7-13

Subject Aims 

The intent of our Biology curriculum is to is to engage our students and enhance their curious and active nature by providing a foundation of key concepts surrounding growth, development and structure of living things to foster a curiosity and love for loving things. Through lessons, students will learn biological knowledge and understanding through active participating in biology practicals, in order to develop an attentive outlook to further their scientific skills. Students can develop their social, moral and cultural knowledge and awareness of key scientific developments such as embryonic screening, cloning and genetic engineering, as well as the role of key scientists such as Gregor Mendal in developing of understanding of abstract concepts. 

Curriculum Statement

Science Curriculum Statement 


Mrs R Mahmood – Head of Faculty 
Mr Beason – Physics Lead 
Mrs Z Reinikovas 
Miss F Clark 
Miss K Smith
Mr D Littler

Curriculum Overview 

KS3 – Year 7-9


Autumn 1  

Autumn 2  

Spring 1  

Spring 2  

Summer 1  

Summer 2  

Year 7  

Working scientifically-  

Structure and function of living organisms the structure and functions of the human skeleton. 


Physical changes & The particulate nature of matter & Pure and impure substances-states of matter and separating techniques 


Reproduction & Differences between species- Variation and reproduction 


Motion and forces- balanced and unbalanced forces, speed  

Reproduction & Differences between species- Variation and reproduction  


Materials & Earth and atmosphere- Climate and earth resources 



Sound Waves & Light Waves- sound and light  



Space Physics & Earth and atmosphere- Earth structure and universe 


Calculation of fuel uses and costs in the domestic context- Costs and energy transfer  


Electricity and electromagnets- circuits and electricity 


Relationships in an ecosystem-Food chains and plant reproduction 


Chemical reactions- Acid and Alkalis, metals and non-metals 


Science Investigaton and enquiry processes 

Year 8  

Gas exchange systems & health- Breathing and gas exchange  


Atoms Elements and compounds & Periodic table- Elements and periodic table  

Space Physics & Earth and atmosphere- Earth structure and universe 


Energy changes and transfer-Heating and cooling  



Cellular respiration & Photosynthesis- Respiration and photosynthesis  


Materials & Earth and atmosphere- Climate and earth resources  

 Sound Waves & Light Waves- sound and light 

(Content from year 7) 



Balanced Forces & pressure in fluids. -contact and non-contact forces  

Magnetism & static electricity-Magnetism and EM  


Observed Waves &Energy Waves-Wave properties and effects 


Chemical reactions:  Type of reactions 


Genetics and Evolution-Evolution and inheritance 


Science investigation and enquiry processes 

Year 9  

Cell Biology  

Cell structure: Animal and Plant cells, Cell specialisation, cell differentiation. 


RP Microscopy 


Transport in cells: Diffusion. 



Current, potential difference and resistance (basics) 

Series and parallel circuits (basics) 

Domestic uses and safety 

Mains electricity 

RP: Investigate resistance in a wire. 


Chemical Fundamentals (Elements, compounds and mixtures). 


Energy (no equations)  

Energy stores and system, conservation and dissipation of energy, Efficiency. 

RP: Thermal conductivity 

National and global energy resources. 









Principles of organisation 

Animal tissues, organs and organ system: RP: Food tests, RP: Enzymes. 

Plant tissues, organs and systems 



Atomic structure and the periodic table. 





Diseases 1 

Communicable diseases: Viral, bacterial, fungal and protsit diseases. Human defence system. 


Chemical analysis 


Energy changes 





Diseases 2 

Communicable diseases: Vaccinations, antibiotics, discovery of drug development. 


Magnetism and electromagnetism  

Permanent and induced magnetism, magnetic forces and fields. 

The motor effect: Electromagnetism 




Adaptations, interdependence and competition:  

Food chains, food webs, energy transfer. Sampling techniques. 


Quantitative Chemistry  



KS4 – Year 10-11 

Exam Board at GCSE - AQA


Autumn 1  

Autumn 2  

Spring 1  

Spring 2  

Summer 1  

Summer 2  

Year 10  

Infection and response – Paper 1  

Communicable diseases  

Culturing microorganisms  


RP: The effect of antiseptics or antibiotics on bacterial growth  


Infection and response – Paper 1  

Non- Communicable diseases  

Plant diseases  


Cell Biology – Paper 1  

Review: Cell structure: Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes, Microscopy.   

Transport in cells: Osmosis, active transport.  

RP: Osmosis.  

Cell Division: Chromosomes, Mitosis and the cell cycle, stem cells.  



Bioenergetics – Paper 1  

Respiration: Aerobic and anaerobic respiration, response to exercise, metabolism.  


Bioenergetics – Paper 1  

Photosynthesis: Rate of photosynthesis, Use of glucose for Photosynthesis.  

RP: Investigating rate of photosynthesis.  


Homeostasis and response Paper 2  


The brain  

The eye  

Maintaining water and nitrogen balance in the body  

RP Reaction times.  


Homeostasis and response Paper 2  

Plant hormones  


Ecology – Paper 2  

Adaptations, interdependence and competition: Communities, Abiotic factors, Abiotic/biotic factors, Adaptations.  



Year 11  

Homeostasis and response Paper 2  


Maintaining water and nitrogen balance in the body  

RP Reaction times.  




Inheritance, variation and evolution – Paper 2  

Reproduction: Sexual and asexual, Meiosis.  

Variation and evolution:  

Genetic engineering, cloning  

The development of understanding of genetics and evolution  

Classification of living organisms  


Ecology – Paper 2  

Organisation of an ecosystem: Levels of organisation, RP Investigation populations, how materials are cycled.   

Biodiversity and the effect of human interaction on ecosystems  


Trophic levels in an ecosystem  

Food Production  


RP: Decay  



Homeostasis and response Paper 2  


Maintaining water and nitrogen balance in the body  

RP Reaction times.  




Inheritance, variation and evolution – Paper 2  

Reproduction: Sexual and asexual, Meiosis.  

Variation and evolution:  

Genetic engineering, cloning  

The development of understanding of genetics and evolution  

Classification of living organisms  


Ecology – Paper 2  

Organisation of an ecosystem: Levels of organisation, RP Investigation populations, how materials are cycled.   

Biodiversity and the effect of human interaction on ecosystems  


Trophic levels in an ecosystem  

Food Production  


RP: Decay  



KS5 – Year 12–13  

Exam Board at A level - AQA


Autumn 1  

Autumn 2  

Spring 1  

Spring 2  

Summer 1  

Summer 2  

Year 12  


Progressive and Stationary Waves 

Refraction Diffraction and Interference 

RP Stationary Waves 

RP Young’s double slit 7 Diffraction grating 


Scalars and Vectors 


Motion in a straight line 

Projectile Motion 

Newtons Laws 



RP G by Freefall 

Particles and Radiation 


Radioactive Decay 

Classification and interactions of particles 

The Photoelectric effect 

Energy levels 

Wave-Particle duality 


Current Electricity 

Resistance and Resistivity 

Circuit analysis 

Potential Dividers 

Internal Resistance and emf 

RP Resistivity 

RP emf and resistance 

Materials and Measurements Errors incl Y12 assessment 

Bulk Properties of solids 

Hooke’s Law 

Stress and Strain 

The Young’s Modulus 

Uncertainties and their errors 

RP Determination of Youngs Modulus 

Circular motion and SHM 

Circular Motion 

Simple Harmonic Motion 

Simple Harmonic Systems 

Forced Vibrations and resonance 

RP Pendulum and mass-spring systems 

Year 13  

Thermal Physics & Gravitational Fields 

Thermal energy transfer 

Ideal Gases 

Kinetic Theory 

Newtons Gravitational Law 

Gravitational Field Strength 

Gravitational Potential 

Orbits of Planets and Satellites. 

RP Gas Laws 

Electric & Magnetic Fields  

Coulomb’s Law 

Electric Field Strength 

Electric Potential 


Energy in Capacitors 

Capacitor charge and discharge. 

Magnetic flux 

Moving charges in a magnetic field 

Electromagnetic Induction 

AC and Transformers 

RP Force on a wire perpendicular to the field 

RP Magnetic Flux Linkage 



Radioactive emissions 

Radioactive decay 

Nuclear Instability 

Nuclear Radius 

Mass and Energy 

Nuclear Fission and safety 

RP Investigation of Inverse-square Law for gamma radiation 


Refracting and Reflecting telescopes 

EM telescopes 

Classification of stars 

Spectral Classes 

Supernovae, neutron stars and black holes 

Doppler effect 

Hubble’s Law 





Useful Websites

BBC Bitesize - Biology


AQA Exam Information - Biology


  • Science Club
  • Eco Committee