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Cardinal Griffin

Careers Summary

Key Stage 3 Programme

The key responsibility for delivering a balanced and planned careers education programme through the curriculum will lie with the Assistant Headteacher for Careers, in partnership with the Heads of Year and Faculties. 

Year 7- During their first term at CGCC, students will take part in a ‘Crazy Careers’ session and develop their understanding of the range and variety of work opportunities in the future. Students are encouraged to focus on and improve their employability skills through their career’s induction, formation time and dedicated sessions to Careers. 

In their second term, students will take part in a ‘WOW Day ‘which involve investigating qualifications, pathways and recruitment processes; considering the varying challenges and rewards of different types of work. They will also participate in a work-based scenario to consider entrepreneurship and self-employment as types of work.   

During the summer term, students will participate in activities related to stereotypes in the workplace and a consideration of rights and responsibilities as an employee.  

The College invests in Unifrog, an online careers, apprenticeship and university platform- students actively work through the platform to allow them to make informed future choices. 


Year 8 - During their first term in Year 8, students will take part in a ‘World of Work- WoW morning ‘This includes an Investigation into a range of career journeys from guest speakers, including career journeys, rewards and challenges and recruitment processes.  

In their second term, students will embark on a campus visit to a local university to sample what life at university is like. Also,in the spring term, students make subject choices for their GCSEs and take part in a number of taster sessions with subject staff to help them understand what career pathways their subject choices will link to. During a Careers assembly, they meet some of our ‘Careers Ambassadors’ who are older students who share their experiences in their chosen GCSE subjects. Students will also be able to access 1-1 advice and guidance form our impartial careers advisor. 

During the summer term, students will participate in activities as part of a STEM Careers challenge day. Considerations will be made of the big picture, changes taking place and how these will impact upon their life and careers. They will also investigate the future world of work including LMI exploration.  

The College invests in Unifrog, an online careers, apprenticeship and university platform- students actively work through the platform to allow them to make informed future choices. 


Year 9 - During their first term in Year 9, students will take part in a ‘Super Skills’ sessions and consider other importance of transferrable soft skills and the importance of decision-making skills. They will also lead the way to identifying what makes a great leader and how they can be great leaders too.   

In their second term, students will consider the changing world of work both due to their own changing personal circumstances and bigger pictures changes to the world of work. Students will also work together to create super teams that can tackle any scenario with their set of competencies.   

During the summer term, students will participate in a ‘Bright Futures’ session and discover more about pathways for post 16 and post 18 learning.   

The College invests in Unifrog, an online careers, apprenticeship and university platform- students actively work through the platform to allow them to make informed future choices. 

Key Stage 4 Programme

Year 10 - during their first term, students will participate in a ‘Wellbeing at Work’ session which focusses on students considering resilience and coping with setbacks; the importance of work-life balance; the role of money in decision making and challenging stereotypes. 

In the Spring, students will participate in a work-based scenario of running a small company and preparing a tender bid for a contract. They will also have the opportunity to develop their workplace employability skills. Students will also look at how to research possible work experience placements and learn how to find work experience that fits their interests. Students will also develop their confidence in approaching prospective work experience employers; discuss the good and bad aspects of example emails to employers and use top tips to write practice emails to employers.  

In the summer term students will consider how people find and secure employment, how their idea of what their dream job will change over time, what types of work are available and the role of social media in working life including LinkedIn.  Students will also undertake a work experience placement. They will reflect on how they have dealt with setbacks and challenges and recognise the skills they have developed which should give confidence and optimism for the future and maximise their chances when applying for education and employment opportunities 

The College invests in Unifrog, an online careers, apprenticeship and university platform- students actively work through the platform to allow them to make informed future choices. 


Year 11 - The focus of the careers’ programme in Year 11 is to support students to make informed decisions about their post-16 options by providing guidance on qualification routes, subject combinations, pathways to success and one to one careers’ interviews. 

During the first term, students will take part in a session entitled ‘The Big Idea’ which is a mock assessment centre day, involving a range of recruitment exercises that may be experienced when applying for jobs. 

During the spring term, students look at pathways, post 16 and 18 choices and decision-making skills including how life experiences shape choices. Students look at the rewards and challenges of work and the use of LMI in career planning. Students use the Unifrog platform to research potential careers, degree subjects, and interests that will help them to identify A-Level options. Students also research, read and answer questions on a Know-how library guide to find the key facts about apprenticeships.   

One to one careers’ interview will be given to every student by the impartial careers’ advisor. More are available on request and as follow ups. The College invests in Unifrog, an online careers, apprenticeship and university platform- students actively work through the platform to allow them to make informed future choices. 

Sixth Form Programme

The careers’ team, in close partnership with the Sixth Form team, A level and vocational course staff are responsible for delivering a balanced and planned Careers Education Programme. This will aim:  

  • To help students develop the skills and confidence to make realistic and informed decisions about their futures beyond their Sixth Form studies; 
  • To assist students to manage the transition into higher education, training or employment. 

These aims will be delivered through a range of strategies:- individual guidance and interview with our Sixth Form team, one off events, talks and conventions and off site visits, links and work placements with employers. External development opportunities and options will be advertised to all Sixth Form students on an equal opportunity basis using email and noticeboards. The current range includes:- academic and career based talks, DoE, university summer schools, NHS Young Volunteers Scheme and other extended work experience placements