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Cardinal Griffin

Chemistry Y7-13

Subject Aims 

The aim of our chemistry curriculum is to engage students and enhance their curious and active nature by understanding the fundamental existence of matter and the logical order of systems. Through lessons, students will learn conceptually the ability to problem solve and analyse situations to better participate in social organisational complexities. Enhance, infuse, inspire the importance of prudence in investigative science and understanding the application and importance of providing solutions to manage climate change. Including, using their scientific knowledge of water treatment in the lack of potable water in different parts of the world and showing a compassionate understanding for people within these situations. 

Curriculum Statement

Science Curriculum Statement


Mrs R Mahmood – Head of Faculty 
Mr Beason – Physics Lead 
Mrs Z Reinikovas 
Miss F Clark 
Miss K Smith
Mr D Littler

Curriculum Overview 

KS3 – Year 7-9


Autumn 1  

Autumn 2  

Spring 1  

Spring 2  

Summer 1  

Summer 2  

Year 7  

Working scientifically-  

Structure and function of living organisms the structure and functions of the human skeleton. 


Physical changes & The particulate nature of matter & Pure and impure substances-states of matter and separating techniques 


Reproduction & Differences between species- Variation and reproduction 


Motion and forces- balanced and unbalanced forces, speed  

Reproduction & Differences between species- Variation and reproduction  


Materials & Earth and atmosphere- Climate and earth resources 



Sound Waves & Light Waves- sound and light  



Space Physics & Earth and atmosphere- Earth structure and universe 


Calculation of fuel uses and costs in the domestic context- Costs and energy transfer  


Electricity and electromagnets- circuits and electricity 


Relationships in an ecosystem-Food chains and plant reproduction 


Chemical reactions- Acid and Alkalis, metals and non-metals 


Science Investigaton and enquiry processes 

Year 8  

Gas exchange systems & health- Breathing and gas exchange  


Atoms Elements and compounds & Periodic table- Elements and periodic table  

Space Physics & Earth and atmosphere- Earth structure and universe 


Energy changes and transfer-Heating and cooling  



Cellular respiration & Photosynthesis- Respiration and photosynthesis  


Materials & Earth and atmosphere- Climate and earth resources  

 Sound Waves & Light Waves- sound and light 

(Content from year 7) 



Balanced Forces & pressure in fluids. -contact and non-contact forces  

Magnetism & static electricity-Magnetism and EM  


Observed Waves &Energy Waves-Wave properties and effects 


Chemical reactions:  Type of reactions 


Genetics and Evolution-Evolution and inheritance 


Science investigation and enquiry processes 

Year 9  

Cell Biology  

Cell structure: Animal and Plant cells, Cell specialisation, cell differentiation. 


RP Microscopy 


Transport in cells: Diffusion. 



Current, potential difference and resistance (basics) 

Series and parallel circuits (basics) 

Domestic uses and safety 

Mains electricity 

RP: Investigate resistance in a wire. 


Chemical Fundamentals (Elements, compounds and mixtures). 


Energy (no equations)  

Energy stores and system, conservation and dissipation of energy, Efficiency. 

RP: Thermal conductivity 

National and global energy resources. 









Principles of organisation 

Animal tissues, organs and organ system: RP: Food tests, RP: Enzymes. 

Plant tissues, organs and systems 



Atomic structure and the periodic table. 





Diseases 1 

Communicable diseases: Viral, bacterial, fungal and protsit diseases. Human defence system. 


Chemical analysis 


Energy changes 





Diseases 2 

Communicable diseases: Vaccinations, antibiotics, discovery of drug development. 


Magnetism and electromagnetism  

Permanent and induced magnetism, magnetic forces and fields. 

The motor effect: Electromagnetism 




Adaptations, interdependence and competition:  

Food chains, food webs, energy transfer. Sampling techniques. 


Quantitative Chemistry  



KS4 – Year 10-11 

Exam Board at GCSE - AQA


Autumn 1  

Autumn 2  

Spring 1  

Spring 2  

Summer 1  

Summer 2  

Year 10  

Bonding – Paper 1 structure, and the properties of matter    


Quantitative Chemistry - Paper 1   

Chemical measurements, conservation of mass and the quantitative interpretation of chemical equations.   

Moles (HT)  


Chemical changes – Paper 1    

Reactivity of metals   

Reactions of acids   


RP: Preparation of a pure, dry sample of a soluble salt  



Chemical changes – Paper 1    


RP: Titration  


Chemistry of the atmosphere (Paper 2)   

 Using Resources (Paper 2)  


The rate and extent of chemical changes – Paper 2   

Rate of reaction   

RP: Investigate how changes in concentration affect the rate of reaction  

Year 11  

The rate and extent of chemical changes – Paper 2   

Reversible reactions and dynamic equilibrium   

Organic Chemistry – Paper 2   

Reaction of alkenes and alcohols   



Quantitative Chemistry – Paper 1/2   

Chemistry only calculations   

 Chemical changes – Paper 2   


RP: Investigate what happens when aqueous solutions are electrolysed  


Using Resources (Paper 2)   


Using materials   

The Haber process and the use of NPK fertiliser   


RP Analysis and purification of water  





KS5 – Year 12–13

Exam Board at A level - AQA


Autumn 1  

Autumn 2  

Spring 1  

Spring 2  

Summer 1  

Summer 2  

Year 12  

Paper 1 – Physical and Inorganic *   

Induction, Atomic structure*   

Amount of substance*, Periodicity*   


RP Volumetric Analysis of Na2CO3 and HCl  


Paper 1/2 – Physical and Inorganic   

Introduction to organic chemistry   

Bonding, Energetics*   


RP Enthalpy of hydration of anhydrous MgSO4  


Paper 1/2 – Physical and Inorganic    

Kinetics, Chemical equilibria, Le Chatelier’s principle and Kc/Kp ^ and Alkanes^   


RP HCl/sodium thiosulfate effect of temperature on rate of reaction  


Paper 1/2 – Physical and Inorganic    

Halogenoalkanes, Alkenes,    

Alcohols, Organic analysis.   


RP Distinguishing aldehydes and ketones. RP Oxidation of alcohols  


Paper 1/2 – Physical and Inorganic    

Group 2, the alkaline earth metals   

Oxidation, reduction and redox equations*, Group 7(17), the halogens*   


RP Test for anions  


Exams (revision)   

A level Rate equations, Acids and bases, Equilibrium constant Kp for homogeneous systems Optical isomerism  


Year 13  

Paper 1/2 – Physical and Inorganic  Rate equations, Acids and bases,    

Equilibrium constant Kp. Aldehydes and ketones. Carboxylic acids and derivatives. RP - synthesis of organic compounds, 

RP – orders, RP - pH curves  

Paper 1/2 – Physical and Inorganic    

Amino acids, proteins and DNA    

 Organic synthesis.  Aromatic chemistry. Amines, Polymers,    

Nuclear magnetic resonance, spectroscopy, Chromatography.    


Paper 1/2 – Physical and Inorganic *   

Thermodynamics, Electrode potentials and electrochemical cells.   

Properties of Period 3 elements and their oxides.       

RP – cells  





Useful Websites

BBC Bitesize - Chemistry
AQA GCSE Chemistry Information


  • Science Club
  • Day Trip - A level - Escape Room Challenge