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Cardinal Griffin

Combined Science Y10-11

Subject Aims

The aim of our KS3 science curriculum is to provide students with a foundation on key scientific knowledge and skills. Core practical skills are developed in an intentional manner by allowing students to be curious and active in their learning, collecting and analysing data. Our students are encouraged to develop their numeracy and literacy skills by problem-solving and communicating effectively. Students are encouraged to be discerning and attentive with their lifestyle choices. Topics such as recycling enable them to review their own impact on the environment.

The first quality teaching instruction, assessment and feedback to acquire the common goals of the Science Faculty ensure progress and growth in young learners, both academically and spiritually. An increased understanding of the world around them will foster an appreciation of their surroundings, including natural finite and renewable resources and how they can make a positive contribution for a sustainable future.


Mrs R Mahmood – Head of Faculty 
Mr Beason – Physics Lead 
Mrs Z Reinikovas 
Miss F Clark 
Miss K Smith
Mr D Littler

Curriculum Overview 

KS3 – Year 7-9


Autumn 1  

Autumn 2  

Spring 1  

Spring 2  

Summer 1  

Summer 2  

Year 7  

Working scientifcally-   

Structure and function of living organisms the structure and functions of the human skeleton,  

Electricity and electromagnets- circuits and electricity   

Physical changes & The particulate nature of matter & Pure and impure substances-states of matter and separating techniques   

Motion and forces- balanced and unbalanced forces, speed   

Reproduction & Differences between species- Variation and reproduction   


Chemical reactions- Acid and Alkalis, metals and non-metals   

Sound Waves & Light Waves- sound and light   


Relationships in an ecosystem-Food chains and plant reproduction   


Calculation of fuel uses and costs in the domestic context- Costs and energy transfer   


Space Physics & Earth and atmosphere- Earth structure and universe   

Science Investigaton and enquiry processes   

Year 8  

Gas exchange systems & health- Breathing and gas exchange   


Atoms Elements and compounds & Periodic table- Elements and periodic table   

Energy changes and transfer-Heating and cooling   


Observed Waves &Energy Waves-Wave properties and effects   


Cellular respiration & Photosynthesis- Respiration and photosynthesis   


Materials & Earth and atmosphere- Climate and earth resources   

Energetics- Type of reactions   


Balanced Forces & pressure in fluids. -contact and non-contact forces   

Magnetism & static electricity-Magnetism and EM   


Genetics and Evolution-Evolution and inheritance   

Science investigation and enquiry processes   

Year 9  

Cell Biology –Paper 1  

Cell structure: Animal and Plant cells, Cell specialisation, cell differentiation.  


RP Microscopy  


Transport in cells: Diffusion, Active transport.  


Electricity – Paper 1  

Current, potential difference and resistance (basics)  

Series and parallel circuits (basics)  

Domestic uses and safety  

Mains electricity  

RP: Investigate resistance in a wire.  

Chemical Fundamentals (Transition lessons incorporating specification content from both Paper 1 and Paper 2).  


Energy (no equations) – Paper 1  

Energy stores and system, conservation and dissipation of energy, Efficiency.  

RP: Thermal conductivity  

National and global energy resources.  


Organisation – Paper 1  

Principles of organisation  

Animal tissues, organs and organ system: RP: Food tests, RP: Enzymes.  

Plant tissues, organs and systems  



Atomic structure and the periodic table (Paper 1)  



Infection and response – Paper 1  

Communicable diseases: Viral, bacterial, fungal and protsit diseases. Human defence system.  


Chemical analysis (Paper 2)  


Energy changes (Paper 1) - moved energy changes  


Forces – Paper 2  

Forces and their interactions  

Work done and energy transfer  

Forces and elasticity -need to review CBe  


RP: Investigating Elasticity  


Infection and response – Paper 1  

Communicable diseases: Vaccinations, antibiotics, discovery of drug development.  


Waves – Paper 2  

Waves in air, fluid and solids –need to review CBe  


Electromagnetic waves – Paper 2  

Magnetism and electromagnetism – Paper 2  

Permanent and induced magnetism, magnetic forces and fields.  

The motor effect: Electromagnetism  

Bioenergetics – Paper 1  

Photosynthesis: Rate of photosynthesis, Use of glucose for Photosynthesis, RP: Investigating rate of photosynthesis   


Ecology – Paper 2  

Adaptations, interdependence and competition: Communities, Abiotic factors, Abiotic/biotic factors, Adaptations.   


Quantitative Chemistry (Paper 1)  

Chemical measurements, conservation of mass and the quantitative interpretation of chemical equations  

KS4 – Year 10-11 

Exam Board at GCSE - AQA GCSE Combined Science Trilogy


Autumn 1  

Autumn 2  

Spring 1  

Spring 2  

Summer 1  

Summer 2  

Year 10  

Cell Biology – Paper 1  

Cell structure: Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes, Microscopy.   

Transport in cells: Osmosis,   

RP: Osmosis.  

Cell Division: Chromosomes, Mitosis and the cell cycle, stem cells.  

Electricity – Paper 1  

Current, potential difference and resistance   

RP: I/V Characteristics.  

Energy (equations) – Paper 1  

Energy changes in a system, and the ways energy is stored before and after such changes.  



Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter (matter covered in Physics)  


Infection and response – Paper 1  

Communicable diseases: Viral, bacterial, fungal and protsit diseases. Human defence system.  


Infection and response – Paper 1  

Communicable diseases: Vaccinations, antibiotics, discovery of drug development.  


Quantitative Chemistry - Paper 1  

Chemical measurements, conservation of mass and the quantitative interpretation of chemical equations.  

Moles (HT)   


Chemical changes – Paper 1   

Reactivity of metals  

Reactions of acids  


Cell Biology – Paper 1  

Cell structure: Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes, Microscopy.   

Transport in cells: Osmosis,   

RP: Osmosis.  

Cell Division: Chromosomes, Mitosis and the cell cycle, stem cells.  

Electricity – Paper 1  

Current, potential difference and resistance   

RP: I/V Characteristics.  

Energy (equations) – Paper 1  

Energy changes in a system, and the ways energy is stored before and after such changes.  



Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter (matter covered in Physics)  


Infection and response – Paper 1  

Communicable diseases: Viral, bacterial, fungal and protsit diseases. Human defence system.  


Infection and response – Paper 1  

Communicable diseases: Vaccinations, antibiotics, discovery of drug development.  


Quantitative Chemistry - Paper 1  

Chemical measurements, conservation of mass and the quantitative interpretation of chemical equations.  

Moles (HT)   


Chemical changes – Paper 1   

Reactivity of metals  

Reactions of acids  


Year 11  

Homeostasis and response Paper 2  

Homeostasis: RP Reaction times.  


The rate and extent of chemical changes – Paper 2  

RP: Rates of Reaction  


Organic Chemistry – Paper 2  


Forces – Paper 2  

Forces and motion. Momentum  


Inheritance, variation and evolution – Paper 2  

Reproduction: Sexual and asexual, Meiosis.  

Variation and evolution:  

Genetic engineering  

Classification of living organisms  


Quantitative Chemistry – Paper 1/2  


Chemistry of the atmosphere (Paper 2)  


Using resources  

RP: Analysis and purification of water.  


Waves – Paper 2  

Properties of waves, RP 8 Ripple tank.  

Magnetism and electromagnetism – Paper 2  

The motor effect: Flemings left hand rule (HT).  Electric motors (HT)  

Homeostasis and response Paper 2  

Homeostasis: RP Reaction times.  


The rate and extent of chemical changes – Paper 2  

RP: Rates of Reaction  


Organic Chemistry – Paper 2  


Forces – Paper 2  

Forces and motion. Momentum  


Inheritance, variation and evolution – Paper 2  

Reproduction: Sexual and asexual, Meiosis.  

Variation and evolution:  

Genetic engineering  

Classification of living organisms  


Quantitative Chemistry – Paper 1/2  


Chemistry of the atmosphere (Paper 2)  


Using resources  

RP: Analysis and purification of water.  


Waves – Paper 2  

Properties of waves, RP 8 Ripple tank.  

Magnetism and electromagnetism – Paper 2  

The motor effect: Flemings left hand rule (HT).  Electric motors (HT)  


Useful Websites

BBC Bitesize - Science


AQA GCSE Combined Science Information


  •  Science Club