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Cardinal Griffin

Computing Y7-13

Subject Aims 

Computing is an important part of the curriculum at our school. Students will learn how to use a computer effectively and how to break down complex problems for successful completion. These skills will help them succeed in the digital age. 

The Computing curriculum at Cardinal Griffin Catholic College builds on the knowledge students have acquired in previous years at Key Stage One and Key Stage Two. In Key Stage Three, we focus on balancing the computer science, digital literacy, and ICT aspects of the National Curriculum to give students a well-rounded education. We place a strong emphasis on developing digital literacy along with computational thinking to develop students' programming skills. Additionally, we offer students the opportunity to choose the path that best aligns with their interests and career goals, whether that be computer science or ICT. 

Curriculum Statement

Computer Science Curriculum Statement


Mr A Grocott
Mr S Holsgrove
Mr E Jones

Curriculum Overview 

KS3 – Year 7-9


Autumn 1 

Autumn 2 

Spring 1 

Spring 2 

Summer 1 

Summer 2 

Year 7 



UI Design

Touch Typing

Digital Literacy  Fundamentals of Computer Hardware

Spreadsheet Design

BBC Micro:bit

Algorithms and Scratch

Year 8 


Networks, Cloud Computing and Cyber Security

User Interface Design

 Spreadsheets – Spy School

Understanding Binary

Project Management

Computational Logic

Computational Thinking, Algorithms and Flowol

Introduction to Python Programming

Year 9 


 Computer Systems - Hardware & Software

Moral, Legal and Environmental Issues with Computing

Digital Working

Cyber Security

User Interface Design

Key Algorithms & Writing Algorithms

  Computational Logic

Spreadsheet Project

Introduction to Python Programming

KS4 – Year 10-11 

Exam Board at GCSE - OCR

Exam Board at BTEC L2 - Pearson (In bold)


Autumn 1 

Autumn 2 

Spring 1 

Spring 2 

Summer 1 

Summer 2 

Year 10 

Computer Systems Architecture


Storage Technologies

Responsible Use of Digital Systems

Legal and Ethical Issues of System Use

Planning and Communication Tools (Advanced Project Planning)

Network Topologies, Protocols and Layers

System Security


User Interface Design and Design Principles

Implementing Design Principles & Consideration

Computational Logic


System Security




Forms of Notation

Computational Thinking & Solving Problems



Component 1 - Learning Aim A - Investigating User Interfaces        

Algorithm Design - Flowcharts & Pseudocode


Component 1 - Learning Aim B - Designing a User Interface

Python Programming & Programming Techniques


Component 1 - Learning Aim C - Developing a User Interface

Year 11 

Key Algorithms & Writing Algorithms


Component 2 - Learning Aim A - Investigate the role and impact of using data individuals and organisations

Ethical, Legal, Cultural and Environmental Issues

Translators and Facilities of Languages

Component 2 - Learning Aim B - Create a dashboard using data manipulation tools

Revision Programme




Component 2 - Learning Aim C - Draw conclusions and review data presentation methods

Revision Programme

Revision Programme

Revision Programme

KS5 – Year 12–13  

Exam Board at BTEC L3  - Pearson


Autumn 1 

Autumn 2 

Spring 1 

Spring 2 

Summer 1 

Summer 2 

Year 12 

Components of a computer and their uses


Types of Software


Introduction to Advanced Programming




Web Technologies




Programming Techniques and Software Development

Datatypes and Data Structures

Boolean Algebra

Ethical, Legal, Cultural and Environmental Issues

Computational Thinking



Searching and Sorting Algorithms

Programming Project - NEA

 Programming Project - NEA

Year 13 

Components of a computer and their uses

Types of Programming Language     

Programming Project - NEA

Exchanging Data

Datatypes and Data Structures

Programming Project - NEA

Computational Thinking &    Computational Methods

 Algorithms including: Big O Notation, Dijkstra's & A* Algorithm

Programming Project – NEA


Revision Programme

Revision Programme

Revision Programme

Useful Websites

GCSE OCR Information

BTEC DIT Information

BBC Bitesize
