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Cardinal Griffin

Religious Education Y7-13

Subject Aims 

As a Catholic school, the Religious Education department curriculum follows the Religious Education Directory as set out in the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of England and Wales. 

The aim of teaching in Religious Education is to challenge students to understand God’s revelation as it is revealed in the person of Jesus Christ and to become theologically, philosophically and ethically literate concerning both Catholic Christianity and other world religions.  Through lessons and cultural capital activities, we hope to enable our students to flourish and become men and women for others. 

Religious Education lessons seek to bring to life the literal, allegorical, spiritual and anagogical messages of the scriptures and to communicate the truths of the Tradition and magisterium in such a way that our students become confident members of the parish, local, national and global communities. 

We seek to teach Scripture, Tradition and Magisterium through the lens of Catholic Social Teaching in such a way that students become wholly aware of their own sanctity and dignity and how their sanctity and dignity, and that of others, is supported and reinforced through work, the option for the poor, the common good, care for creation and justice. 

In the specific area of Religious Education, we will: 

  • Ensure that the teaching of the subject remains faithful to Catholic belief and teaching on matters of faith and morality; 
  • Demonstrate pastoral sensitivity for cultural, personal and family circumstances and in keeping with the consistent message of the gospel, seek to communicate to every student their individual uniqueness as the image of God created to know, to love and to serve God. 
  • Enable the continuing formation of our students through our own example of virtue and personal witness. 

We hope that what is learned by our students in religious education helps them to serve with compassion, inspire through action and create a better today, for the greater glory of God. 

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life" (John 3:16).


The right of withdrawal from Religious Education and/or Collective Worship  

Parents of pupils may request  that their child is withdrawn from receiving all or part of religious education and/or collective worship given at the school and any such request shall stand until such time that the parent’s request is withdrawn. Sixth form pupils may, on their own behalf, wholly or partly withdraw from attendance at collective worship at the school . 


What happens to the pupil if he/she is withdrawn from Religious Education and/or Collective Worship?  

 If pupils are withdrawn from religious education and/or collective worship, Cardinal Griffin school will supervise them, though not to provide additional teaching. Depending on school resources, the withdrawn pupil may be moved to another venue within the school, for example, the library.


If a pupil is withdrawn and alternative arrangements cannot be made for the type of RE the parents’ desire, for example, due to resources/timetabling, it is the parents’ responsibility to provide materials for their child which have clear outcomes and are connected to the faith/philosophy/world view of the parents.  


It is important to bear in mind that the parental right to withdraw a child from RE was intended by Parliament to be a ‘conscience clause’ and not to be used as a general opt-out clause.  


Requests for withdrawal should be put in writing and addressed to the Principal. A copy of withdrawal requests will be placed in the pupil’s educational record. The Principal will discuss the request with parents and take appropriate action. 

Useful Websites 



St Bede's Blackburn - YouTube Channel

Mr McMillan RE - YouTube Channel

BBC Bitesize

 A level:

AQA RE Information

AQA Philosophy & Religion Information
