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Cardinal Griffin

French Y7-13

Subject Aims

We aim to promote a love of languages through their learning journey by using a wide range of teaching resources and varied pedagogical strategies.  We believe that studying a language opens students’ minds and opens doors of opportunity for them.

French at Cardinal Griffin Catholic College enables all pupils to become more confident in the four areas of language learning thus developing their listening, oracy, reading and writing skills and their literacy skills. We support the pupils to develop skills that are transferable across all subjects.

All pupils are encouraged to consider their own British Values whilst also being respectful and curious of the values of other cultures and adding to their cultural capital knowledge and understanding in the process. We want them to be curious about the world around them and enjoy the challenge in their lessons.

At the end of KS3 we would like them to be able to develop a competency which enables them to communicate with and understand a native speaker at a basic level. At the end of KS4 we would like them to develop more expert language skills and to develop the foundations for continuing their language learning journey or for going on to learn other languages if they choose to.

Curriculum Statement

MFL Curriculum Statement


Mrs L Wynne-Jones
Mrs P Otoo
Mr N Hurrion

Curriculum Overview

KS3 - Year 7-9


Block 1

Block 2

Block 3

Block 4

Block 5

Year 7

C’est moi!

Introducing yourself

Introducing your family and pets

Talking about your likes and dislikes

Describing yourself and others

En classe

Talking about school subjects and your opinion of them

 Telling the time and describing your school day

Talking about food in the canteen

Describing your dream school

Mes passetemps

Talking about activities on  computers and phones

Say which sports you play and activities that  you do

Saying what you like and dislike doing and why


Ma zone


Describe where you live


Giving directions


Saying what you can do in your area


Talking about where you go at the weekend





Les grandes vacances


Talking about holidays


Getting ready to go out


Buying drinks and snacks


Talking about holiday plans



Year 8


Say what you can do in Paris

Say what you like to do

Describe an imaginary visit to Paris

Understand tourist information




 Mon identité

Talking about your personality

Talking about how you get on with others

Say which music you like and why

Talking about fashion

Saying what you did and wore

La média

Talk about television programmes and films

Talk about internet activities

 Talk about books and reading

 Say what you did last night



Chez moi

Describing your home

Saying where you live and would like to live

Talking about family meals

Saying what you need to buy for a recipe

Talking about a family celebration



 La fête

Talk about festivals and special days

Say how you celebrated a birthday compare to how you used to celebrate

Say what you are going to wear



Year 9

Ma vie sociale d’ado

Describe yourself and others

Talk about social media activities

Arrange to go out

Say what you did and are going to do in your freetime



 Bien dans sa peau

Learn parts of the body and say what hurts

Learning about sports and healthy eating

Making plans to get fit



A l’horizon

Talking about jobs and your future

Saying what jobs involve

Saying what you used to do

Talking about your ambitions



Moi dans le monde

Discuss what you can do

Explain what is important to you

Describe what makes you happy



Mes vacances

Discussing holidays

Discussing ideal holidays

Saying what you need for a holiday

Describing a disastrous holiday

Looking at tourist attractions






KS4 - Year 10-11

Exam Board at GCSE - AQA


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year 10

Qui suis-je?

· Friends and family

· A night out

· Your younger life

· Role models



Le temps de loisirs

· Sport

· Online life

· Reading, tv and films



Jours ordinaires, jours de fêtes

· Daily life

· Family celebrations and food

· Festivals and traditions

· Shopping for clothes



De la ville à la campagne

· Town and area

· Tourist information

· Weather and plans

· Community projects



Le grand large

· Holiday accommodation

· Holiday activities, buying souvenirs and transport

· Transport

· Eating out

· Holiday disasters



Au collège

· UK school and in France

· School rules

· School activities and successes

· Healthy lifestyle and vices

· School exchanges



Year 11

Bon travail

· Career choices

· Future plans

· Earning money

· Work experience




Un œil sur le futur

· World problems

· Protecting the environment




Un œil sur le monde

· Ethical shopping

· Volunteering

· Big events



Je me souviens

· Tenses

· Themes

· Speaking exam preparation




· Exam technique

· Listening, reading and writing revision





Useful Websites

Pearson Active Learn

GCSE French - BBC Bitesize
