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Cardinal Griffin

Geography Y7-13

Subject Aims

The geography curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils: develop contextual knowledge of the location of globally significant places – both terrestrial and marine – including their defining physical and human characteristics and how these provide a geographical context for understanding the actions of processes, understand the processes that give rise to key physical and human geographical features of the world, how these are interdependent and how they bring about spatial variation and change over time. 


Mrs L Mackey
Miss O Harper


Curriculum Overview

KS3 - Year 7-9


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year 7

Fieldwork and Introduction to 

Map skills

Fantastic places 


Our island home



Year 8

Place Study China and Russia


Natural Hazards




Year 9


Africa is not a country

Place study the Middle East

The living word: cold and hot deserts

 Resource Management


KS4 - Year 10-11

Exam Board at GCSE - WJEC Eduqas


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year 10

 T5 Weather, climates and ecosystems: climate change, Extreme weather UK weather and climate

T5 Weather, climates and ecosystems: UK weather and climate, Ecosystems, Ecosystems & people

T6 Development and resource issues: Global inequalities, Water resources and their management, Regional Economic Development

Theme 3 Tectonic landscapes and hazards: tectonic processes and landforms Vulnerability and hazard reduction

Theme 3 Tectonic landscapes and hazards: Vulnerability and hazard reduction


Theme 3 Tectonic landscapes and hazards: Vulnerability and hazard reduction

Year 11

Theme 5 Ecosystems Preparation for paper 1 mock and DIRT

Fieldwork prep 

Fieldwork write up


Theme 5 Ecosystems



Theme 7 Contemporary development issues

Theme 7 Assessment and DIRT

Revision Paper 1

Revision Paper 2

Revision Paper 2

Revision Paper 3

Revision Paper 1

Revision Paper 2

Revision Paper 3


KS5 - Year 12-13

Exam Board at A level - AQA


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year 12

Changing places

The nature and importance of places


Changing places

Changing places: relationships and connections

Changing places: meaning and representation

Changing places

Representations of place and the use of qualitative and quantitate sources of data

Global systems and global governance

What is globalisation?

Global systems

International trade and access to markets

Global governance and the global commons

Antarctica as a global common




Year 13

Changing places revision and assessment Changing places assessment and Dirt

CUE Global patterns of urbanisation

CUE Forms of urbanisation megacities and world cities

CUE world cities in regional and economies

CUE urban growth of Bengaluru

CUE urban change

CUE urban policy and regeneration in Britain since 1979

CUE urban form and characteristics


Moving to the city

CUE New urban landscapes

The postmodern western city

CUE multiculturalism and cultural diversity

CUE Urban microclimates

CUE urban precipitation and wind

CUE urban pollution

CUE urban precipitation and drainage 

CUE Drainage management

CUE restoration and conservation

CUE Urban waste and its disposal

Skill ANALYSE question

CUE Other contemporary urban environmental issues


CUE sustainable urban development

CUE Rio an Olympic city

CUE London an Olympic city

Skill - the 20 markers

CUE Assessment and DIRT

Skill - the 20 m

Revisions GS Knowledge


Revision Changing places Knowledge


Revision Analyse question

Revision 20 marker

Revision core knowledge

Revision Analyse question

Revision 20 marker

Revision core knowledge


Useful Websites

BBC Bitesize

Tutor2u Geography

Seneca Learning


Visit to a rural and urban site at KS4.

KS5 – Four days of field work in Wales.