Governing Body
Chair of Governors - Mrs J. Mellor -
Clerk to the Governors - Mr C Adams-
The Governing Body is comprised of 16 Governors, made up of 9 Foundation, 2 Parent, 1 Local Authority, 1 Staff, 1 Headteacher and 2 Co-opted Governors. The Governing Body has chosen to organise itself so that it holds two Governor meetings per term of the full Governing Body.
These meetings have standing agenda items which focus on different aspects of the College’s work. A Headteacher’s report is received by the Governors at each of these meetings, with information about how each area is progressing. In addition to the main meetings, the Governing Body also has a Resources, Staffing and Estates Committee which meets twice per term. This committee considers matters relating to Finance, Curriculum, Health and Safety, Human Resources, Facilities Management and the College Estate. The Resources, Staffing and Estates Committee is Chaired by the Vice Chair of Governors.
The Governing Body also has a Pay Committee Chaired by Mrs Mellor, which covers matters relating to Pay and Terms and conditions; an Admissions Committee Chaired by Mrs Mellor which covers matters relating to Year 7, Year 12 and in Year admissions; an Appeals Committee which considers any appeals against decisions of the Governing Body, which elects a Chair when convened for each separate appeal; and a Staff Structure Committee which is convened periodically to consider any significant changes to the staffing structure and which elects a Chair each time it convenes.
The documents below give further details about the membership of the committees both historically and at the present time.
A list of Governors and their Business interests can be found on the link below:
Governors & Business Interests 2023-2024Governors Terms of OfficeFurther information about the terms of office and appointment of Governors can be found on the Get Information about Schools website using the link below:
Cardinal Griffin Catholic College
Information on Governors' attendance at meetings can be found on the links below:
Governors_Attendance_Records_September_2021_to_July 2022
List of Governors
Foundation Governors
Clare Yates
Angela Thompson
Marie Mathews
Sarah Hawthorne
Kay Cash
Parent Governors
Helen Hammond
Staff Governor
Kyle Dudley
Jill Elwell
Samantha Price
Hermione Gibson