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Cardinal Griffin

Health and Social Care Y10-11

Subject Aims 

BTEC Health and Social care is a starting point for anyone who is interested in how we develop throughout each life stage and factors that may have a positive or negative impact on our behaviour and development. You will also learn to appreciate the impact that diet and lifestyle can have on an individual’s health and well-being. During the course you will explore how to meet individual needs and the importance of effective communication within a health and social care setting.  All demonstrating how to achieve successful health care and social care for the public. Health and Social Care at Cardinal Griffin Catholic College aims to examine the health of the nation and the impact internal and external factors can have on an individual’s health and well-being.


Mr J Wood

Miss L Adshead

Mr J Shaw

Curriculum Overview

KS4 - Year 10-11

Exam Board at BTEC L2 - Pearson


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Component 1 Human Lifespan Development Learning Aim A- Human growth and development across life stages


Component 1 Human Lifespan Development Learning Aim B- Understand how individuals deal with life events



Component 1 Human Lifespan Development Learning Aim A- Human growth and development across life stages


Component 1 Human Lifespan Development Learning Aim B- Understand how individuals deal with life events



PSA release date- assignment completed in component 1



PSA release date- assignment completed in component 1


Component 2 Health and Social Care Services and

Values Learning Aim A- Understand the different types of health and social

care services and barriers to accessing them


Component 2 Health and Social Care Services and

Values Learning Aim B- Understand the skills, attributes and values required

to give care

Component 2 Health and Social Care Services and

Values Learning Aim A- Understand the different types of health and social

care services and barriers to accessing them


Component 2 Health and Social Care Services and

Values Learning Aim B- Understand the skills, attributes and values required

to give care

Component 2 Health and Social Care Services and

Values Learning Aim A- Understand the different types of health and social

care services and barriers to accessing them


Component 2 Health and Social Care Services and

Values Learning Aim B- Understand the skills, attributes and values required

to give care


PSA release date- assignment completed in component 2


PSA release date- assignment completed in component 2


Component 3 Health and Wellbeing Learning Aim A- Factors that affect health and wellbeing


Component 3 Health and Wellbeing Learning Aim C- Person-centred approach to improving health and wellbeing

Component 3 Health and Wellbeing Learning Aim A- Factors that affect health and wellbeing


Component 3 Health and Wellbeing Learning Aim C- Person-centred approach to improving health and wellbeing

Component 3 Health and Wellbeing Learning Aim B- Interpreting health indicators

Component 3 Exam sat


Useful Websites

BTEC Health & Social Care - Pearson


Additional exam revision and PSA support sessions that are scheduled prior to and around assessments.