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Cardinal Griffin

Psychology Y12-13

Subject Aims 

  • To develop essential knowledge and understanding of different areas of psychology this includes perspectives, topic areas, research methods and how they relate to each other.  
  • To develop and demonstrate a deep appreciation of the skills, knowledge and understanding of scientific methods.  
  • To develop competence and confidence in a variety of practical, mathematical and problem-solving skills. 
  • To develop students’ interest in, and enthusiasm for, the subject, including developing an interest in further study and careers associated with the subject and to understand how society makes decisions about scientific issues and how the sciences contribute to the success of the economy and society. Students will learn how to critically analyse, become independent thinkers and researchers. 

The objectives of the course are made clear via schemes of learning, the prospectus and throughout the lessons in the classroom with the use of success criteria. 

The psychology curriculum reflects national policies, such as PSHE, by considering key principles regarding human rights. The BPS guidelines in research are frequently drawn upon when considering how psychological research has been conducted and the wider implications of the research. We enhance the course by including opportunities to link with industry and higher education to promote career aspirations. Furthermore, aspects of social, moral, spiritual and cultural values are embedded into schemes of learning. 
Links to Gospel values are highlighted throughout the year. Other national policies like the promotion of British Values are also made clear in the schemes of work. 

There is no requirement for students to have studied psychology prior to A Level, but it is stipulated that a grade 5 in mathematics and English and science is desirable. 

Year 12 allows the students to develop an understanding of the fundamental principles of psychology while gaining a holistic view of the subject which should also allow for a better understanding of their position in relation to others. This understanding should allow them to develop greater awareness of the needs of others in the community and the kind of virtues that an individual requires in order to flourish as Men and Women for Others. Further aspects of the curriculum allow for a greater understanding of the many influences on human behaviour which provide the knowledge and skills required to make the students more confident members of society. 

Year 13 builds on that understanding and enhances it with a deeper philosophical exploration of the principles that underpinning human behaviour in order to explore matters such as the extent to which behaviour is influenced by nature or nurture or the extent to which we have free will to choose what we do.


Mrs M Floros

Curriculum Overview 

KS5 – Year 12 – 13

Exam Board at A Level :  AQA


Autumn 1 

Autumn 2 

Spring 1 

Spring 2 

Summer 1 

Summer 2 


Approaches to Psychology and research methods 

Psychopathology and research methods 

Social influence. 



Biopsychology and research methods 


Issues and debates in psychology 

Gender and schizophrenia 



Revision and exams 


Useful Websites 

Simply Psychology